I had so many designs that I was excited to make but they all required custom silicone molds and I was having some technical difficulties. Although I was extremely passionate about the new collection, I realized that it was taking my focus away from my bigger projects - the Let's Get Soapy eZine and my Soapy Pop line.
So over the last couple of months I worked on making Soapylove better than ever. The website has been completely redesigned and incorporates every facet of my business: from the book to the supply line, from a class schedule to all of my social media. Plus the design is fresh, colorful, and even allows shop owners to order online. I'm super excited!
So even though I feel like I just dumped my new friend, I am confident that I'm doing the right thing for my business. Sigh!
Make sure to stay tuned to my Soapylove blog and become a fan at my Facebook page to stay up to date on everything in Soapyland. There's never a dull moment!