Monday, May 4, 2009

Interesting Lighting for Photos

Mondays are my "work days", when my husband stays home with the kids while I dedicate some focused time to my projects. One of my favorite Monday tasks is taking photos. When Jim isn't around, the kids are so fascinated by what I'm doing that I'm constantly telling them, "don't touch that!" So I took advantage of my protected workspace today and shot some pics for an article in the upcoming June issue of Let's Get Soapy.

I have learned a lot about taking pictures from trial and error. Lighting is the most important and most challenging thing about good photos. I still haven't made a true light box, but was really excited to find a pair of really inexpensive frosted glass lamps at Ikea that I used in the above pic. For $15 I got 2 of them - tall rectangular boxes with lights inside. Simple and easy to use for uplighting or background lighting.

The article will be about how to create these non-bleeding colors for your own soap projects. I wish you could see the pretty and subtle shimmer they have, but you'll just have to try them yourself and see! :)